Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Sad but Grateful

Well it has happened!!! My daughter is now a 6 year old. I wish I was one of those mom's who remembers every moment like it was yesterday but honestly so much has happened in 6 years, that just remembering her homework is a huge struggle. That is why I am a firm believer of capturing everything with pictures. I'm not perfect at all. I have TONS that I still need to print off but they're are hundreds on my phone, camera, and computer for any moment we feel like sitting around and looking back on everything.

I do miss the baby stage...sometimes. I am grateful that she can do alot for herself. The older I get if she didn't dress herself, well let's just say that a 6 year old can do better than me some mornings. Everyday, especially at these milestones, I realize how fast time goes by. Just yesterday was Pre-K and now next month is Kindergarten graduation. I'm so proud of how smart and thoughtful of a girl she has become. I'm ready for the stages to come but sad so much has passed by already.

Nope it's not the picture. Those are two different shoes!! So I told you that she could do better than me some mornings, well this was one of those mornings. I got up, got dressed in a dark closet, and we ran out the door so I could meet my dad. We ate IHOP and went to Dollar General before I even realized it. We were 2 hours from home and to top it all off I had to go into the bank as well before I could go buy a different pair of shoes.  One of the top ten most embarassing moments of my life. Oh yeah and my shirt was on backwards!!

Thanks for reading!

Friday, April 4, 2014

Wavy Hair, Don't Care

So I have to admit I LOVE reading beauty blogs. I am almost addicted. So I usually find all kinds of good advise for make-up, new face cleansers and masks, and hair tutorials. Of all the blogs that I have came across, I have yet to find someone who wears their hair in its all natural glory but for me its my lazy, woke up late hair. Let me give you a mental picture of just what I'm talking about.


So my hair is usually my hair is naturally wavy as you can see I straighten my bangs. Let's just say between the waves and the cowlick if I don't I end up with this Elvis wave/ 30's finger wave on my forehead.

Over the years I have found a few hair tricks and products that I love from the cheap to the occasional splurge.

1.  Fekkai Essential Shea Pot de Crème- By far my all time fave!! It's a texturizing crème but it's also moisturizing so it ends up being the best of both worlds if you're looking for texture without the frizz but it is pricey.
2. Kendra Styling crème- This styling crème is pricey but it smells like heaven. My mind thinks of strawberries for some reason to compare as a smell. It's great for curls and waves without the frizz. My least favorite thing about this stuff is it's kind of like trying to apply Elmer's glue to your hair.
3. Moroccan Oil Sea Salt Spray-Inexpensive, smells like the beach, and easy to apply (obviously) This stuff is great for texturizing without touching your hair (more of what I mean to follow)
4. Josie Maran Argan Oil Hair Serum- I like to apply this before I apply my other products especially after I have had my hair lightened when it's super dry and frizzy
5.Frizz Ease Secret Weapon Touch-Up Crème- I usually tote this around in my purse for days when I need to smooth down a few random strands or when the wind starts blowing your hair everywhere and you need to smooth it down
6.Pantene Pro-V No Crunch Whip- Shockingly I am not the biggest fan of mousse. Mostly because everyone I've ever tried as far as the cheaper version goes tends to make my hair hard and crunchy. I just don't care for my hair to look unnaturally wavy. This is one of the few mousses' that I like. It's more like using a crème compared to a mousse. When you put it in your hand you can just feel the difference.
Besides the products, one of the KEY techniques for natural wave or curls to look less frizzy is to apply your products then don't touch it anymore until it dries. If your using a diffuser on a blow drier, make sure to set on low heat and speed and touch as little as possible.
Thanks for reading!


Monday, March 31, 2014

Where Did the Child Care Go??

In the past couple of years, I have transitioned from a stay at home mom to a full time job mom. I had a time finding a preschool for my then 3 year old because of course I had trust issues and limited amount to spend on child care. In my mind I was thinking I can't wait for Kindergarten (no more day care).

Well this year Kindergarten went into full effect and it has been NO walk in the park. Let me just say I wish I had looked into before and after school care from the get-go.

1) The small town she goes to school in has no after school programs but they are an amazing school and we love her teacher!

2) The Kindergarten and high schoolers get out at totally different times so having my 16 year step-sister (which is scary anyways) pick up my daughter is out of the question

3) My fiancé and I work 8-5 with no way possible to pick her up and I don't have any extended family to rely on.

My dad took sometime off from work and has been picking her up which I am soooo thankful for but my dad is so bad at giving me notice that he's going turkey hunting so here I am in the whirlwind of the child care hunt.

Being April there is of course nothing open as far as daycares go. I mean where are all these high school students jumping at the chance to make some easy money? My next step care.com which was a BUST you have to pay $39.00 a month just to use the site that doesn't include what some of the nannies request for pay. FYI: Some of these nannies ask for $25-30 an hour, maybe I chose the wrong career.

Overall I have to say I miss daycare, it was a simple 7-530 and a weekly payment. Now its holidays, spring breaks, and everything in between which will put you in a frantic frenzy to scrabble together a babysitter or suck it up and take your vacation day or whatever is left.

Well lesson learned-Get in (the big) line early for day care!!

Thanks for reading!

Friday, March 28, 2014

Favorite New Purse Must-Have

So recently I ordered a few things from Sephora just because..it was my birthday! Yeah I honestly don't order much from places like such because I am majority of the time too broke.

But being a blog reader myself, I have heard so many wonderful things about Josie Maran and Tarte products. Since I have never personally owed any, I wasn't sure how I would like the products or how my skin would react to them so I went with the small value set of Tarte Bright by Night Discovery set and Josie Maran Spread the Argan Love set. I will definitely post more on each product soon but one product has stuck with me (more so in my purse).

The Josie Maran Whipped Argan Oil is a super light cream but leaves your hands as soft as any liquid oil. I'm usually not much of a hand lotion person because I can't stand that greasy feeling afterwards but this does the trick for my hands especially since I sanitize a 100 times a die (not exaggerating). I do have to say I'm not a huge fan of the vanilla apricot smell but it's not too strong so I can deal.

Thanks for reading!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Well Yello...

So my first post I decided should be more formal since I'm sure the rest of my posts will be full of randomness of things I love and my daily adventures.

So what's the point of this blog anyways? Well just to share my funny stories and share some of my random likes. Every once and a while I find an amazing piece of furniture or décor that I'm dying to share. Especially since my family and I just bought a house so I'm slowly working on putting it together. Also I love face, body, and makeup products of all sorts. I am by no means a beauty expert but I do like to find products for my imperfect face and body. So if I find a tip or product that I think is worth anything I'll be sure to let you know.

And last but not least I have a fiancé, a daughter, and 2 dogs so I'm sure there will be a few posts or random things around here of them at some point!

Thanks for reading!
Told you!! :)